“Growth is a
search for
& imbalance
is a search
for growth.”
– Paul Dennison
Founder, Brain Gym
What is Thinkashram?
Thinkashram is an all-inclusive learning experience for growth and development of children and adults. The backbone of each program is evidence-based educational and developmental sciences.
We offer programs that include kinesiology based solutions designed to overcome any hurdle that deters the mind to move forward with respect to any intention, goal or decision in life. Our programs, therefore, address not only academic and cognitive goals but also emotional, social, behavioural, relationship and performance goals for all ages.
Our academic programs are personalized in nature and focus on skills and conceptual understanding, and strictly do not entail any training module designed based on continuous tests.
The name ‘Thinkashram’ is a blend of ‘Think' and ‘ashram’. ‘Think’ represents the mind. ‘ashram’ represents our body as a spiritual abode. In a nutshell, Thinkashram embodies the philosophy of ‘mindful thinking and living’. It is about blending the physiology of learning with the spirit of learning.
Our logo is depicted as a flock of birds representing freedom of thought, empowerment to achieve one’s goals and fulfil one’s desires, and healthily synergise with the community. The central bird stands out with its unique colour representing the ability to showcase one's innate uniqueness to stand out as an individual while being one with the community - local or global.
Our Philosophy
Educational Kinesiology and Thinkashram
Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K) is an educational approach that focuses on exploring a person's own way of learning and developing oneself through natural movement. It is a unique self-development program in that it helps a person achieve their goals using a set of movements tailored to their needs.
The programs at Thinkashram are designed interventions that include a basket of kinesiology tools that improve the physical skills of learning (bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, sensorimotor mechanics, etc.), self-regulation (self-care, initiative, and self-direction), structured play (creative platform to unfold learning), symbolic thinking (learning abstract concepts through experiential learning), aesthetic appreciation (value insights and perceptions, develop pattern-seeing, etc.), physiological ease (alignment, posture, coordination, balance, chronic pain, allergies, etc.) and mental ease (ease in communication, self-awareness, release accumulated stress, understand relationship dynamics, etc.)
Vasihali Bafna is an International Brain Gym Consultant and Instructor (USA). Brain Gym is part of the Educational Kinesiology programme. Educational Kinesiology means “To draw out learning using movement”. It is an advanced and highly effective movement based programme that improves neural communication throughout the mind and body to help you access and achieve your highest potential in learning and any life skills. The programme is extremely successful and is enjoyed by everyone who uses it. Brain Gym is used in over 80 countries in Education, Business, Sport and the Performing arts with profound and lasting results.
Brain Gym helps to improve neurological function so that areas of the brain are more strongly connected and accessible for any given task. The programme uses developmental movements and provides a level of immediate improvement.
Brain Gym Consultants and Instructors, specialists in a full range of Edu-K coursework, recognize movement and cognition (the body and brain) as one whole system, see the muscles and senses as working in synergy, and understand learning to be built on play—cultivating the senses and motor skills, rather than overriding them.
Who is Thinkashram for?
- Thinkashram is for every individual – men, women and children.
- It attends to all aspects of living, learning and growing.
- It is for all ages, professions and nationalities.
What is Thinkashram?
Thinkashram is an all-inclusive learning experience for growth and development of children and adults. The backbone of each program is evidence-based educational and developmental sciences.
We offer programs that include kinesiology based solutions designed to overcome any hurdle that deters the mind to move forward with respect to any intention, goal or decision in life. Our programs, therefore, address not only academic and cognitive goals but also emotional, social, behavioural, relationship and performance goals for all ages.
Our academic programs are personalized in nature and focus on skills and conceptual understanding, and strictly do not entail any training module designed based on continuous tests.
The name ‘Thinkashram’ is a blend of ‘Think' and ‘ashram’. ‘Think’ represents the mind. ‘ashram’ represents our body as a spiritual abode. In a nutshell, Thinkashram embodies the philosophy of ‘mindful thinking and living’. It is about blending the physiology of learning with the spirit of learning.
Our logo is depicted through a tessellated pattern. A tessellation is a pattern of shapes which fit together perfectly, without any gaps. Our logo represents a tessellation of thoughts that build smoothly on each other without leaving gaps in learning or thinking.
Our Philosophy
Educational Kinesiology and Thinkashram
Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K) is an educational approach that focuses on exploring a person's own way of learning and developing oneself through natural movement. It is a unique self-development program in that it helps a person achieve their goals using a set of movements tailored to their needs.
The programs at Thinkashram are designed interventions that include a basket of kinesiology tools that improve the physical skills of learning (bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, sensorimotor mechanics, etc.), self-regulation (self-care, initiative, and self-direction), structured play (creative platform to unfold learning), symbolic thinking (learning abstract concepts through experiential learning), aesthetic appreciation (value insights and perceptions, develop pattern-seeing, etc.), physiological ease (alignment, posture, coordination, balance, chronic pain, allergies, etc.) and mental ease (ease in communication, self-awareness, release accumulated stress, understand relationship dynamics, etc.)
Vasihali Bafna is an International Brain Gym Consultant and Instructor (USA). Brain Gym is part of the Educational Kinesiology programme. Educational Kinesiology means “To draw out learning using movement”. It is an advanced and highly effective movement based programme that improves neural communication throughout the mind and body to help you access and achieve your highest potential in learning and any life skills. The programme is extremely successful and is enjoyed by everyone who uses it. Brain Gym is used in over 80 countries in Education, Business, Sport and the Performing arts with profound and lasting results.
Brain Gym helps to improve neurological function so that areas of the brain are more strongly connected and accessible for any given task. The programme uses developmental movements and provides a level of immediate improvement.
Brain Gym Consultants and Instructors, specialists in a full range of Edu-K coursework, recognize movement and cognition (the body and brain) as one whole system, see the muscles and senses as working in synergy, and understand learning to be built on play—cultivating the senses and motor skills, rather than overriding them.
Who is Thinkashram for?
- Thinkashram is for every individual – men, women and children.
- It attends to all aspects of living, learning and growing.
- It is for all ages, professions and nationalities.

Hours spent on sessions


Hours spent on sessions